
These are the guiding principles we're committed to reaffirming and evolving as we build a company we're all proud to be a part of.

Create transparency

We believe that transparency is the backbone to all of our other values. We trust everyone on our team with information about what we're doing, where we're going, and how we want to get there. The more everyone can be on the same page, the better we are all able to collaborate, engage, and make something great.

In practice

Practice empathy and kindness

We recognize the humanity in everyone. People are key to everything we do. We fundamentally want to understand others’ perspectives when making decisions, and respect that everyone has their own challenges, perspectives, and struggles. We trust that everyone is doing their best and has potentially different paths to growth.

In practice

Invite growth

More than any skill, we value an eagerness to learn and discover what we don't know. We know that actively seeking feedback and input is the best way to improve and make a point to invite it frequently. We avoid ossification by practicing flexibility, resiliency, and openness to whatever changes may come.

In practice

Prioritize diversity and inclusion

We believe that a culture of openness and diversity starts from the very beginning. We are dedicated to building a company that celebrates and supports difference and draws from broad perspectives. We believe that this is both the right thing to do and also something that will make our work and all of us better.

In practice

  • We actively pursue representing diverse backgrounds on our team in our hiring process

  • We have channels for feedback and participation that respect different comfort levels with methods of engagement.

Embrace the process

We are fundamentally process-driven and have been able to tackle complex problems at scale because of it. We actively avoid chaos by doing our research, building and sharing plans, and reflecting on how we will improve next time around. With this clarity and insight we are better able to respect everyone's ownership over their work and trust teammates deeply to carry out their responsibilities.

In practice

  • We continually build on our extensive internal documentation and team resources

  • We generally work in sprints with defined structures

Enjoy the work

We show up to work because we are motivated by helping people, practicing our craft, and tackling a problem that we believe is deeply important. We work hard, but we also refuse to get burned out in pursuit of a precarious end-goal (a vicious cycle of overwork that we see defining too many startups). Our work is fundamentally creative and we require rest and reflection to keep ourselves sane and what we do sustainable. We are in this for the long haul.

In practice

  • We build work-life balance with our vacation and every-other-friday-off policies

  • We share user-research and customer updates with the whole team to make sure everyone understands why we are working on a particular problem

Last updated