How we work


We are process-driven in our work because it allows us to be better empowered in what we do and to contribute most effectively.

When you join Redivis, we'll be excited to share with you all of our internal documentation. However, we believe it's important to be able to understand at a high level how we work together as you envision a career at Redivis.


Feedback is essential in order for us all to improve in our careers and to best empathize with and support each other. You can expect bi-weekly feedback sessions with your direct manager, as well as structured feedback points during the product development cycle. We also practice semi-annual performance reviews, where you will both be able to gather and give detailed, thoughtful feedback to/from your peers and manager targeted around improving ourselves and our processes.

Career growth

We strive for everyone at Redivis to grow in their career, and support equally-compensated pathways as either an individual contributor or manager. Importantly, we believe that transparency is critical in supporting career growth. You can read more about our approach to career progressions, performance reviews, and much more in the careers section.

To make sure that we are always thinking about and supporting each other's growth goals, we practice semi-annual growth reviews, where you will work with your manager to take a deep dive into your growth goals and define your areas of expertise and opportunities for further improvement.

Company transparency

When you join Redivis, you should expect substantial transparency — we openly share information with our employees about our financial status, growth prospects, and general company goals. If you ever want to take a look, it's all there — and we encourage you to do so!

It's also important for us to have concrete dates on the calendar to prioritize a defined, open, and frank discussion about what's happened in the past and what the future holds for Redivis. You can expect a quarterly meeting where we'll present this information in full and open it up to a company-wide discussion.

Product development cycle

At Redivis, we work closely with our users and customers to synthesize their highest priority needs and set our product roadmap. Our product team is responsible for supporting our users as they work with the Redivis platform, interviewing them about successes and pain points, and gathering input from each company department to help set our product roadmap.

When a set of customer, user, and team priorities align, we launch a product sprint to build and release new features.

Product sprints


The product team presents a high-priority item on the product roadmap to the executive team, and the priorities of each department are evaluated to set scope of work and potential timelines.


The design team does user research and usability testing with our existing user and customer base as well as product research to evaluate similar products and competitors. They then develop a strategy for solving the problem and build mock-ups and system documentation for changes and new features. They continuously seek input from the broader team and iterate toward a final, well-documented solution.


The engineering team builds the new system into a final product, working closely with design for any clarifications or updates.


We deploy our latest work to the Redivis platform, and present the features and fixes to our users and customers. Additional marketing materials and updates to our product roadmap are also published.


Everyone involved with the sprint comes together to evaluate its effectiveness – from team processes, to issues resolved, to measuring success in various metrics. Product ensures that our internal systems are updated.


We are a small company, and we all wear multiple hats. However, we find it incredibly useful to think about our work in terms of specific departments. This allows us to be explicit about which of our hats we are currently wearing, and who is responsible for any given task.

Our company structure is broken out as follows:



  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Account management


  • Product design

  • Communications design


  • Frontend

  • Backend

  • DevOps

  • Security


  • People

  • Finance

  • Hiring

  • Legal

  • Office management


  • Product management

  • Support and documentation

  • QA

Last updated