

Our norms are ultimately designed to help us create a company that upholds Redivis's values and respects us all as contributors – and as people.

These norms certainly aren't set in stone, and are designed to provide flexibility for different people in different scenarios. However, we believe that it's important to be explicit and transparent about our expectations for each other as we work together at Redivis, while always providing the opportunity for feedback and modification of these norms.

Work location

We've been a fully remote company since March 2020. Our core meetings are generally in the Pacific time zone, but we schedule them to make timing doable for those a bit further east or west.

Like many companies, we are actively having conversations about the future of the workplace, and are excited for you to join us in that conversation. We're supportive of temporary stays (1-2 mos) in further timezones, and are keen to occasionally gather in person for an "offsite", where we can hang out in person and further develop and share our goals for the company.

Work schedule

We believe that a healthy balance of work and life is essential — in order to find this balance, it's important that we all value and respect each other's free time.

We generally work ~9 hours a day, including a break for lunch.

Weekends are the weekends (including every-other-friday-off), and there's no expectation that you'll be working. Sometimes some of us like to get some work done during time off, and might send a message or two on the weekend, but there's no expectation to respond.

And sometimes, we have deadlines, or things hit the fan. And this means we might have to work late, or on a weekend, or do what we need to do to get things under control. These situations are rare, and our goal is to make them rarer still — if we find ourselves overworking to meet a deadline, we make a point of assessing what went wrong and how we can avoid such a scenario in the future.

Time off

If you plan to take vacation — awesome! If you're taking 1-2 days off, you don't need to seek approval, though providing notice to your team is always helpful. If you're taking 3 or more days off, we ask that you reach out to your manager at least a week in advance; if you're taking more than a week off, we ask that you communicate this 2 weeks in advance.

More communication is always appreciated so that we can best plan around your time off, though we also recognize that extenuating circumstances can arise and would never want you to avoid taking time off due to these guidelines.

Sick days

Getting sick is no fun. If you're not feeling well, you probably shouldn't be working — take the day for yourself, watch some bad movies, etc.

There is no sick day counter, and sick days do not in any way affect your vacation days. If an illness substantially impacts your ability to work for an extended period of time (roughly, > 3 weeks), it will make sense to transition to our long-term disability leave policy.

We are also strongly supportive of any scenario where you might need to provide short-term care for others, and encourage you to take sick days for this care as needed.

Leaving Redivis

If you feel like it's time to move on from Redivis, know that we'll be sad to see you go, but that we support you 100% and will do everything we can to help your transition. Seriously — if you want to let us know that you're looking for a new job, we'd gladly serve as a reference, give you time for interviews, etc.

In return, we ask that you be as transparent as possible about your plans, so that we can adjust accordingly. Giving us ample notice allows us to readjust resources and timelines — and if you're up for it, we may ask you to help us in hiring your future replacement.

Note that profit sharing will always be paid out (on a pro-rated schedule) if you do choose to leave Redivis.

Last updated